With latest 3D Printing & Post-Processing Technology, software and materials to share lots of knowledge.
+Learn moreMission
The IAM3DHUB is founded with the aim to boost the adoption of AM/3DP Technologies by companies & Industries.
Providing SME’s a One Stop Shop to assess, guide and address all their needs in Additive Manufacturing.
Adoption projects_
What we do?
Adoption Services
Design and Engineering for Additive Manufacturing is the key expertise to take the most advantatge of using AM/3DP technologies. Design freedom to create innovative applications with advanced functionalities...
Parametric Design, Computational Design, Lattice Structures, Topology Optimization, Generative Design.
Guiding your management and technical team to detect 3DP transformation opportunities. And helping also to design the best economical strategy for technology implementation.
Opportunities detection, Business assessment, Econonical justification ROI analisys, Technology usage scale-up, Funding opportunities search.
Enabling your company and employees to get used with 3DP technologies, Design, Engineering, Production control, Machine operation or other necessary skills
DfAM & EfAM, Design for especific technology, Build preparation, supports generation & optimization, Machine control & operation.
Adoption Projects
E2E Solutions
Experiment & Test
Test before invest
01 · Experiment
Create and develop disruptive products,
applications and tools thanks to AM/3DP.
applications and tools thanks to AM/3DP.
02 · Test
Benchmark them in many different
AM/3DP technologies and materials.
AM/3DP technologies and materials.
03 · Iterate
Choose and fine tune the most suitable
solutions to create your final applications.
solutions to create your final applications.
04 · Validate
Validate the solutions that meet the
mechanical & functional requirements.
mechanical & functional requirements.
05 · Implement
Scale the usage of AM/3DP by implementing
production workflows and equipment.
production workflows and equipment.

Find your place
AM Medical
Accelerating adoption, development & implementation of AM/3DP technologies as a basic tool in the digital transition towards personalized medicine.
AM Industrial
Accelerating industrial cooperation to boost AM3DP implementation.
Digital Innovation Hub for Catalonia
A network of technology nodes that reflect the reference capacities available in Catalonia.
4.0 Technology nodes
Additive Manufacturing, Robotics, Intelligent Comunications...
Coming Soon
International AM Hubs Summit
September 2024 · Upcoming Event
Founded by_
- All partners
- Technological partners
- Ecosystem partners